What Is Always Be Closing and How Important Are Sales Strategies?

Always Be Closing (ABC) is a motivating term that describes a sales technique. It implies that a sales rep who follows the regimen should constantly explore new opportunities, pitch services or products to those prospects, and eventually close a sale. ABC requires the salesperson to be persistent, but also to realize when to cut their losses and move on to the next prospect.

ABC Fundamentals

Best Sales Closing Techniques for Closing Deals

Glengarry Glen Ross, a 1992 film starring Alec Baldwin, Al Pacino, as well as Jack Lemmon, popularised the term “Always Be Closing.” David Mamet wrote the screenplay, which is based on his Pulitzer Prize-winning play. It highlighted the darker, more competitive side of the sales industry.

In the film, a demanding corporate office rep is hired to inspire a group of real estate agents by threatening them with termination if they do not sell more property. He launches into a profanity-laced tirade against the sales reps, accusing them of being shy and uninspired.

He flips over a whiteboard with the phrase “Always Be Closing” inscribed on it many times during his lecture and repeats the phrase. However, the speech backfires because the salespeople use a variety of unethical tactics to meet their sales targets.

Always Be Closing’s Effectiveness

What Are the Pain Points of Sales Professionals and Best Closing Sales Techniques?

One of the most important factors influencing whether a sale will finish effectively is the closing of the sale. If the customer does not accept your offer, it is not a sale.

Indeed, if they refuse to acknowledge your terms, you may end up losing the deal completely. But if they accept your offer, you’ll be in a win-win situation.

The phrase has become a grab for a handful of the short quotes that sales managers commonly use to excite their workers and stress the significance of prospect persistence.

It acts as a reminder that every initiative a salesperson carries out with a client prospect should be with the goal of closing the sale.

From the early stages of the sales process, when the customer is building rapport, to unraveling consumer demands and product positioning, the salesperson should be “closing” the majority of the time, setting the customer up to the point where the only reasonable thing to do is pull out his checkbook.

According to studies, generating leads, customer follow-up, as well as strategy discussions actually take more of a salesperson’s day than “closing.”

How to Close Sales Using Always Be Closing (ABC)

Sales Closing Techniques - How Sales Rep Can Effectively Close a Sale or Do Sales Closing?

When using Always Be Closing, you should never give up. Try again, even if you fear you’ve lost the sale. Just because you don’t hear anything back does not mean that your prospect has rejected you completely. They might just be busy or out of town. Try calling them again once they return. Alternatively, write a follow-up email to see if they received your previous communication.

When using ABC, you should also avoid being too pushy. Don’t call or text your prospect until you’ve had some sort of response. When it comes to ABC, many individuals overlook the importance of timing. If you get too pushy, you risk losing the deal entirely.

Powerful modern sales closing techniques

Sales Closing Techniques - Closing a Sale by Sales Manager or Sales Representatives Using Powerful Closing Techniques

Sales closing is one of the most important skills in any salesperson’s toolkit. It’s not just about making sure you close deals; it’s about being able to close deals at all times. This means knowing what to say and doing it well. Here are several popular sales closing techniques.

  • The Assumptive Close
  • The Sharp Angle Close
  • The Question Close
  • The Objection Close
  • The Needs Close
  • The Empathy Close
  • The Puppy dog close
  • The Alternative Close
  • The Testimonial Close

The Assumptive Close

The assumptive close, also known as the presumed close or assumptive selling, is a sales tactic that involves using certain language and questions to clinch a contract with a client at the end of the conservation.

Using an assumptive close necessitates taking an active role in the customer’s sales experience by dealing with the consumer directly and assertively.

It works since it makes you look confident and competent. When used correctly, this strategy effortlessly brings the client to a purchase decision.

What is the point of using an assumptive close?

You use an assumptive close as a salesperson for a multitude of reasons, the most significant of which is to sell products or services. At the last step of the purchasing process, an assumptive closure fosters dialogue with your buyer.

What advantages does using a presumptive close provide?

Using an assumptive close can assist you in meeting your aim of selling the goods or services and effectively recommending the best solutions to the customer.

The following are the advantages of an assumptive close:

  • Increase your income, attract more consumers, and boost your sales confidence.
  • To make reliable recommendations, use your insights about the customer’s needs.
  • It encourages deliberate selling, since it highlights particular purchase alternatives.
  • Remove the customer’s decision-making burden.
  • For example, your assumed closing lists two of the various phone plans that your organization provides.
  • Provide your consumers with two options that each entail a purchase.
  • Remind yourself to prioritize the demands of the consumer. As a consequence, customers are more inclined to purchase from you because your recommendations meet their requirements.
What exactly are the two components of an assumptive close?

There Are Two Parts to an Assumptive Closure.

An assumptive closure consists of two elements. The first segment emphasizes to your client the benefits of your services and products.

This is frequently followed by them confirming their choice to visit your shop. You do this by thanking them for picking your firm and, if relevant, your location.

When you enquire about the purchase, this is the second element of the assumptive close. This section may include a direct inquiry concerning the customer’s mode of payment, like whether they will use a credit or debit card.

The second section also gives your buyer the option of purchasing a starter kit or even a discounted product.

The Sharp Angle Close

The Sharp Angle Closing Technique is best employed when the prospect is almost certain to acquire your goods but is held back by one nagging argument.

They phrase their critique as a challenge, such as, “can you deliver?” or “there is a problem,” and so on.

You can use the sharp-angle strategy to answer this inquiry with another pertinent question in the hopes of completing the transaction.

If you receive a good response, the transaction is complete. Otherwise, if you receive a negative response, you know they’re either not serious or there’s another problem. You are given here another chance to clear up any remaining concerns.

The Question Close

The Question Close Will Be Using Questions to Deliver Answers to Customers While Identifying Impediments.

Question Close uses questions to provide answers for the customer while discovering obstacles. It expands on the qualifying procedure used by good salespeople to close deals.

It’s a great sales closing tactic for prospects that keep their cards close to their hearts. This strategy is used to entice them with chances while understanding their business and difficulties.

The Objection Close

Once you’ve ensured that your prospect understands all about your business and what it can offer, attempt to close the deal by asking them if they have any objections to the product.

This technique allows the prospect to address any final concerns or reservations they may have without rejecting the contract.

The Needs Close

When the Prospect Is Unclear How Your Product Will Benefit Them, the Needs Close Technique Is Useful.

The Needs Close sales strategy satisfies a prospect’s needs, which is the greatest way to encourage them to buy your goods.

First, make a list of the features that the prospect states are required from your product. Then, compare the list to your product and begin marking off the ones that match. The more boxes are checked, the better the product is suited to the prospect.

The Needs Close method is effective when the prospect is unsure how your product will help them. By naming and checking off the relevant ones, you demonstrate to the prospect how your solution may assist them.

The Empathy Close

The Empathy Closing Method Allows You to Use Emotion to Better Understand Your Prospect's Situation.

Not every transaction must be concluded using force or intimidation. It’s sometimes preferable to be compassionate.

The Empathy Closing approach helps you to utilize emotion to comprehend your prospect’s position.

When a prospect says he or she isn’t ready to make a choice, it’s sometimes better to give them more time to ponder rather than pressing for a close.

Empathizing with your prospects will help you form a particular relationship with them that will be beneficial in the long term.

The Puppy dog close

The puppy dog close is a sales tactic in which sellers enable consumers to evaluate a product or service before committing to seal a deal. Rather than hearing about how a product might ease their problems, people can try it for themselves.

This way of closing works for two reasons: customers may make a choice in a low-pressure atmosphere, and they can have a genuine experience with the product that demonstrates how it can enhance their day-to-day procedures.

These “try-it-before-you-buy-it” situations are also free, eliminating the need for clients to spend money and then request a refund.

The Alternative Close

The Alternative Close is a variation on the Assumption Close in which you presume that the prospects are interested in your product and provide them with two alternative options that will drive the sale ahead.

The catch is that whichever option they select, it should always assist you to get closer to the finish line.

This sales closing strategy works well with prospects who have no questions about your product or any objections about the price, features, or anything else.

What makes it so effective?

Giving consumers options simplifies the decision-making process and makes it easier for them to commit to your goods.

The Testimonial Close

A testimonial close is a powerful method for establishing credibility and trust with prospects, both of which are essential elements in any business relationship.

Instead of talking about the product, you use this strategy to convey the experiences of genuine consumers who have benefited from it.

Testimonials are successful because they come from individuals who have used the product and fallen in love with it. Their opinions are objective, sincere, and free of bias.

Another reason this strategy works is that when you reveal the success stories of your customers who are comparable to the prospects, you alleviate their anxieties and uncertainties about whether your solution can help them achieve their business goals.

Marketing Automation and Lead Generation

Marketing automation is the most effective technique to create leads. Marketing automation enables you to establish an automatic series of communications that direct prospective clients to your website.

Setting up a landing page where individuals can provide their details is the first step. Then you may begin sending personalized emails to folks who have expressed an interest in your product or service.

Marketing automation software automates repetitive processes like email campaigns, social network postings, and landing page building. It also allows you to track and change the performance of each campaign.

“Always be closing” has a new meaning

The relationship between buyer and seller is as important as the deal itself when it comes to sales closing. It is about establishing trust and understanding so that both sides are comfortable working together in the future.

The sales process is always evolving. It’s not only about making sure you close transactions. It is also about doing everything possible to keep the offer alive. This entails having a strategy in place for each stage of the buying process, from prospecting to follow-up to post-sale activity.

Why Should You Utilize the ABC Strategy?

There are several factors why you need to use ABC. To begin with, it keeps your prospects intrigued.

If you don’t have anything else to give, don’t spend your time attempting to sell anything to someone who isn’t interested in what you’re selling.

Second, it fosters mutual understanding between you and your prospect. Before you can move further with your prospect, you must first establish trust.

Finally, it provides you with more power over your own fate. When you complete the sale, you know you did everything correctly and that there would be no scares when the agreement is signed.


Always be closing is an efficient sales strategy that may help you boost your sales and revenue. The art of closing is not something that can be mastered in a matter of days or weeks.

It requires time and practice, and none of these sales closing strategies will work effectively unless and until you have exercised them. However, keep in mind that it is only as excellent as your ability to use it successfully.

While these many sales closing techniques will assist you in closing a sales deal, it comes as no surprise that a single closing technique will not work for every prospect – it is not magic. It is strongly influenced by aspects like the sort of prospect you are working with, their demands, transaction size, possibilities, and so on.

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