Email validation

Why Should You Choose TuxMailer Email Validation Service?

Guaranteed Delivery
Protect your sending reputation. Send emails to valid addresses.
Pay Only for Successful Validations
We charge you only if we can definitely validate an email address for you.
Blacklist Management
Avoid re-validating email addresses previously found invalid and save money.
Customer Service that Actually Serves You
Excellence customer service for exceptional customer experience.
Automated ESP Integrations
ESP integrations are easy-to-use and fully automated. Select from multiple integration options and we'll work with your favorite ESP.
Individual or Bulk addresses checks
Validating email addresses is necessary before sending emails. Clean up a large lists or a single address in seconds.
Priority Processing
Process your list on priority. Priority validation requires more credits.
Detailed Reports
Each test run will be accompanied by detailed results.
Modern and Intuitive Dashboard
Clean and intuitive dashboard that takes the pain out of email validation.

Try our Email Validation Service

Enter any email to see how accurate and quick our email validation service is.

Extensive testing to ensure higher deliverability

Whether you work for a small business or a large corporation, maximizing your deliverability is critical. Email validation will enable you to reach out to your target audience and consumers by communicating as effectively as possible with the message that is most important to you.

  • Email Deliverability Improve your sender reputation and ROI and ensure that your emails reach subscriber’s inboxes, not the spam folder.
  • Detect Catch-All Domains Tuxmailer detects mail exchangers that accept all emails sent to their domain, including fake, false, or non-existent.
  • Remove Risky emails The apt option to remove harmful emails, maintaining email list cleanliness, and securing data quality for any firm.
  • Disposable Email Checker Detects temporary email addresses generated by well-known throwaway email services (e.g. Mailinator, YOPmail, etc).
  • Role Account Detection Highlights common role accounts that can impact your deliverability & even result in blacklisting by certain ISPs.
testing compressive
testing comprensive Image 2
  • Mail Server Record Check Identify email addresses without a functioning email exchanger & supports a wide range of sophisticated configurations.
  • Syntax Validation Each email address is compared against a set of global formatting criteria as well as all applicable IETF standards.
  • Duplicate Checker Tuxmailer detects duplicate email addresses so you don't have to pay again for the same address to be validated.
  • Domain Validator Validate each email address' DNS records and flag addresses that belong to invalid, non-working, or parked domains.
  • Identify Disabled & Full mailboxes Tuxmailer identifies mailboxes that are temporarily inaccessible, allowing a decisive result to be provided.

Explore our Email Validator API


Integrate TuxMailer API to validate email addresses instantly in your software applications. Our API supports HTTP methods and returns JSON results.

Validate DNS, detect disposable domain addresses, detect invalid domain names, verify syntax, check SMTP connectivity and much more.

Our APIs support bulk as well as single email address validation.

View Documentation
  1. curl -X ‘POST’ \
  2. ‘’ \
  3. -H ‘accept: application/json’ \
  4. -H ‘Authorization: Bearer ‘ \
  5. -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \

Included with your TuxMailer Account

Sign up with us and increase your deliverability score

Comprehensive User guide and Developer documentation

Well crafted and low pricing plans for all budgets

Driving actionable intelligence through detailed status responses

Comprehensive testing process ensures the most accurate results

Constant Evolution driven by your feedback and suggestions

Free 500 email validation credits per month for life!

Blacklists saves you money from re-validating failed addresses

User Friendly Interface that is intuitive and effective

Choice of subscription and pay as you go plans to suit your needs

No hidden fees and no extras. All plans come with all features

Pay only for successful validations. Let us grow together!

Pricing that suits you